Department of Sociology

Race, Power, and Privilege (RPP) Courses

The Department of Sociology at Brown University offers a variety of courses that meet the Race, Power, and Privilege (RPP) designation.

RPP courses highlight Brown’s commitment to the intellectual study of race, racial formations, inequality, and social justice. These courses examine issues of structural inequality, racial formations and/or disparities, and systems of power within a complex pluralistic world.

SOC 0010Social Forces: An Introduction to SociologyMichael Kennedy
SOC 0300IFrom Macro to Micro: Experiencing Education (In)equality in and beyond SchoolsPrudence Carter
SOC 0300RThe Sociology of RaceLaura Lopez-Sanders
SOC 1116Criminal Courts and the Law in an Era of Mass IncarcerationNicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
SOC 1270Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the Modern WorldJose Itzigsohn
SOC 1872OCritical Race TheoryRosalind Chou
SOC 1873DInequality of Infant HealthEmily Rauscher
SOC 0010Social Forces: An Introduction to SociologyLisa Di Carlo
SOC 0135International MigrationLisa Di Carlo
SOC 1490Power, Knowledge and Justice in Global Social ChangeMichael D. Kennedy
SOC 0010Social Forces: An Introduction to SociologyNicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
SOC 0300IFrom Macro to Micro: Experiencing Education (In)equality in and beyond SchoolsPrudence Carter
SOC 1155BorderlandsLisa Di Carlo
SOC 1490Power, Knowledge and Justice in Global Social ChangeMichael D. Kennedy
SOC 0010Social Forces: An Introduction to SociologyLisa Di Carlo
SOC 0030Race, Immigration, and the Making of InequalityLaura López-Sanders
SOC 0315International MigrationLisa Di Carlo
SOC 1116Criminal Courts and the Law in an Era of Mass IncarcerationNicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
SOC 1872EGlobal Sociology: Capitalism, Colonialism and the Making of the Modern WorldJose Itzigsohn
SOC 1872GFirst-Generation College Students: A Sociological Perspective: A Sophomore SeminarGregory C. Elliot
SOC 1872OCritical Race TheoryRosalind Chou
SOC 1873DInequality of Infant HealthEmily Rauscher
