Department of Sociology
Sandra L. Barnes
ProfessorMaxcy HallResearch Interests Sociology of Religion, Inequality and Poverty, Urban Sociology, Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality, Black Youth Education, African American Studies -
Courtney Boen
Assistant Professor209 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: By appointment only.Research Interests Population Health, Social Demography, Aging and the Lifecourse, Race and Racism, Immigration, Medical Sociology -
Jennifer Candipan
302 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: By appointment only.Research Interests Urban Sociology, Stratification, Education, Neighborhoods and Schools, Neighborhood Change, Racial/Ethnic Inequality, Spatial Analysis -
Prudence Carter
Professor, Director - Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America410 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: By appointmentResearch Interests Culture, Race, Class, and Gender, Poverty and Inequality, Sociology of Education -
Nitsan Chorev
261 Watson Institute
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3pm - 4pmResearch Interests Global Political Economy, Global and Transnational Sociology, Development, Global Health, Comparative Historical Sociology, International Organizations, Social Theory -
Julian Culver
Post-Doctoral Research Associate210 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Racial Attitudes, Racism, Religion, Social Psychology -
Derick da Silva Baum
Post-Doctoral Research Associate304-2 Mencoff HallResearch Interests Quantitative and Computational Methods, Social Network Analysis, Bayesian Inference, Causal Inference, Survey Methods, Social Capital -
Lisa Di Carlo
Senior Lecturer, Interim Organizational Studies Track Lead Advisor404 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Public Anthropology, Innovation and Social Change, Theories of Learning, Migration and Identity, Mediterranean and US -
John B. Diamond
AnnenbergResearch Interests Race, Class, Sociology of Education, Inequality, Organizations, Social Policy -
John Eason
Associate ProfessorWatson -
Gregory Elliott
202 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: Mondays 2-3pm, Thursdays 1-2pmResearch Interests Methods and Statistics, Social Psychology, The Self and Its Relation to Social Systems -
Scott Frickel
211 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Environment-Society Interactions, Experts and Knowledge/Ignorance, Social Movements, Social Theory, Risk and Disaster, Urbanization -
Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
205 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: Mondays 11am-12pm (outside of CIT 219), Wednesdays 9am-10am (Maxcy Hall), Fridays 11am-12pm (outside of CIT 219) -
Patrick Heller
200 Maxcy Hall and 356 Watson Institute
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3-5pm at 200 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Development, Political Sociology, Comparative Political Economy, Democratization, Social Movements -
José Itzigsohn
203 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: Wednesdays 4:30-5:45pm via Zoom, Fridays 3:15-4:30pm at 203 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Du Boisian Sociology, Decolonizing Sociological Theory, Racialized Modernity, Racial and Colonial Capitalism, Alternative and Solidarity Economies -
Margot Jackson
303 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:45-10:45am by appointmentResearch Interests Stratification, Demography, Education, Health, Children and Families -
Michael Kennedy
226 Watson Institute
Office Hours: Wednesdays 10-11am and 3:00-4:30pmResearch Interests Knowledge Cultural Sociology, Global and Transnational Sociology, Critical and Public Sociology, Contemplative Studies, USA, Europe and Eurasia -
David Lindstrom
201 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Demography, Migration, Reproductive Change, Latin America and Africa -
John Logan
301 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Urban Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Migration and Immigration, Family, Political Sociology -
Laura López-Sanders
411 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Immigration, Race and Ethnic Relations, Inequality, Social Policy -
Ananda Martin-Caughey
401 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: By appointment only.Research Interests Inequality, Work, Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Organizations, Labor Markets -
Michela Musto
407 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 4-5pm by appointmentResearch Interests Gender, Sexualities, Race and Ethnicity, Education, Children and Youth, Qualitative Methods -
Josh Pacewicz
Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, AB Sociology and Organizational Studies405 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Political Sociology, Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology, Sociology of Finance, Qualitative Methods, Theory -
Zhenchao Qian
303 Mencoff Hall, and 206 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Social Demography, Stratification, Family, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity -
Emily Rauscher
400 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Inequality, Education, Demography, Health -
Christopher Rea
Watson 208Research Interests Bureaucracy, Energy & Environment, Environmental Justice, Political Economy, Social Movements, Environmental Sociology, Political Sociology, Economic Sociology, Organizations, Public Policy -
J. Timmons Roberts
Office Hours: On sabbatical.Research Interests Sociology of Climate Change Impacts, Causes, and Policy, International Development, Environmental Justice -
Poulami Roychowdhury
250 Watson
Office Hours: By appointment.Research Interests Law, Gender, Social Movements, Political Economy of Development, Violence -
Andrew Schrank
307 Watson InstituteResearch Interests Comparative Sociology: Political, Economic, Historical -
Susan Short
112 Mencoff Hall and 204 Maxcy HallResearch Interests Gender, Social Demography, Global Population Health, Inequality, Methods -
Kerry Smith
Interim Department Chair, Professor of HistoryMaxcy Hall -
Carrie Spearin
Senior Lecturer, Associate Director, Masters in Social Data Analytics, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sc.B. Social Analysis & Research207 Maxcy Hall
Office Hours: Mondays 12:00-2:00pm via Zoom
Research Interests Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation, Research Methodology, Family Demography & Gender -
Leah VanWey
University Hall 109Research Interests Environment and Development, Household Demography, Migration, Population and Environment -
Rachel Wetts
IBES Room 305, Maxcy Room 408
Office Hours: IBES Room 305: Thursdays 10:30-11:30am (drop-in) and Thursdays 11:30am-12:30pm (by appointment)Research Interests Political Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Race/Ethnicity, Sociology of Culture, Social Psychology, Organizational Theory, Social Theory, Computational Methods, Experimental Methods -
Han Zhang
Watson 242
Office Hours: Thursdays 1:30-3:30pmResearch Interests Cybersecurity, Social Movements, Digital Surveillance, Computational Social Science, Statistical Methodology
Ann Dill
Professor Emerita of SociologyResearch Interests Nonprofit and Non-Governmental Organizations, Medical Sociology, Community-based Care -
Mary Fennell
C.V. Starr Professor Emerita of Commerce, Organizations, and Entrepreneurship, Professor Emerita of SociologyResearch Interests Sociology of Organizations, Healthcare Organizations, Professions, Health and Medical Sociology -
Calvin Goldscheider
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Ungerleider Professor Emeritus of Judaic Studies -
Frances Goldscheider
Professor Emerita of SociologyResearch Interests Demography, Labor Force, Women's Roles, Families and Households -
Paget Henry
Andrew House 316Research Interests Development, Political Sociology, Critical Theory, Caribbean Studies -
Dennis Hogan
Robert E. Turner Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Population Studies and SociologyResearch Interests Demography, Life Course, Adolescence, Disability -
David Meyer
Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Urban StudiesResearch Interests Development, Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology -
Dietrich Rueschemeyer
Professor Emeritus of SociologyResearch Interests Sociological Theory, Comparative Historical Analysis, Development, Democracy, Social Welfare Policy -
Hilary Silver
Professor Emerita of Urban Studies and SociologyResearch Interests Urban Sociology, Housing and Social Policies, Comparative Stratification, Social Exclusion and Poverty -
Mark Suchman
Professor Emeritus of SociologyResearch Interests Sociology of Organizations, Sociology of Law, Economic Sociology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Professions, Healthcare -
Michael White
Professor Emeritus of SociologyResearch Interests Demography, Migration, Urban Sociology, Social Policy, Africa
Affiliate Faculty
Richard Baldoz
Associate Professor of American StudiesResearch Interests Immigration Policy, Immigration and Citizenship, American Empire -
Rosalind S. Chou
Lecturer-Department of Sociology, Kathleen Flores Women's Rugby Head Coach171 Cushing St. Pembroke Field House -
Kevin Escudero
Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic StudiesNicholson House (71 George St)Research Interests Community Engagement, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Critical Refugee Studies, Immigration and Citizenship, Social Movements -
Elizabeth Fussell
Professor of Population Studies and Environment and SocietyResearch Interests Migration, Environmental Change, Disasters, Social Inequality -
Kevin Mwenda
Associate Professor (Research) of Population Studies, Director - Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences (S4)Research Interests Child Undernutrition, Public Health, Spatial Demography, Spatial Epidemiology -
David Rangel
Assistant Professor of EducationResearch Interests Educational Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Social Psychology, Social Stratification -
Prerna Singh
Associate Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs111 Thayer Street, Room 355 -
Mary Wright
Associate Provost for Teaching and Learning, Executive Director, Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Professor of Practice, SociologyResearch Interests Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Innovations, Measuring the Impact of Educational Development Services, Graduate Student Professional Development, Curricular Assessment of Student Learning