Department of Sociology
Ph.D. Students
Jonathon Acosta
Graduate Student, Successful Defense September 25, 2024Research Interests Social Stratification, Segregation, Race, Class, EthnicityDegree(s) M.A. Brown University, B.A. Brown University -
Maria Arievitch
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Political Economy, Development, Labor Markets, Financial Crisis, Organized Labor & Social Movements, US Party PoliticsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University, B.A. New York University -
Hilary Barker
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Gender, Work, Family, Demography, Inequality, Division of LaborDegree(s) B.A. Brigham Young University Utah, M.S. Brigham Young University Utah -
Samantha Brady
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Demography, Life Course, Gerontology, Work, Family, HealthDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; MPA Indiana University; B.S. Cornell University -
Macy Brammer
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Education, Family, Gender, Race, Class, Inequality and Stratification, Mixed MethodsDegree(s) B.A. Sociology and Economics, Indiana University -
Jonathon Briones
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Sociology of Education, Race and Ethnicity, Quantitative Methods, Stratification, DemographyDegree(s) B.S.A Mathematics at University of Texas at Austin -
Ailish Burns
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Health, Inequality, Demography, Organizations, Science & Technology StudiesDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison -
Xinyan (Joyce) Cao
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Education, Social Stratification and Inequality, DemographyDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. University of Wisconsin–Madison -
Rui Carvalho
Graduate Student, Successful Defense: February 20, 2025Research Interests Community Studies, Global and Transnational Sociology, International Migration, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Social Theory, Urban SociologyDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.Sc. New University of Lisbon -
Jasper Cattell
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Political Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Social Movements, Labor and Environmental Movements, Historical MethodsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; M.S. London School of Economics and Political Science; B.A. Simon Fraser University -
Alejandra Cueto Piazza
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Sociology of Development, Science, Knowledge, and Technology, Labor, and Sociology of CultureDegree(s) M.A. Columbia University, B.A. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru -
David Curtiss
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Africa and the African diaspora, Sociology of Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Transnational Sociology, Development, Organizations, SolidarityDegree(s) B.A. American University -
Gustavo de Almeida
Graduate StudentDegree(s) M.A. Brown University -
Raquel Douglas
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Race and Spirituality, Black Women's Subjectivity, Being HumanDegree(s) M.A. Brown University, B.A. Williams College -
Katie Duarte
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Race and Ethnicity, Gender & Sexuality, Cultural Sociology, Immigration, Qualitative MethodsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. Vassar College -
Ester Fanelli
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Gender and Family, Sociology of Culture and Religion, DevelopmentDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; M.S. Bocconi University; B.A. Bocconi University -
Henry Fletcher
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Right-wing social movements, Populism, Nationalism, Climate change skepticismDegree(s) B.A. McGill University -
Laird Gallagher
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Environmental Sociology, Political Sociology, Culture, Political Economy, Theory, Organizations, TechnologyDegree(s) M.S. Hunter College, B.A. Wesleyan University -
Diana Gandara
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Education, Immigration, Social MobilityDegree(s) B.A. Harvard College -
Sarah Hodgman
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Education, Social Policy, Social Inequality, Stratification, and Mobility, Demography, Quantitative MethodsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. University of Michigan -
Lawrenzo Howell
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Race and Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality, Equity in Education, History of EducationDegree(s) M.A. Stanford University; B.A. University of Notre Dame -
Hsu Huang
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Comparative Sociology, Organizational, Economic, Political, Science, Technology, and Knowledge, East Asia, Post-Soviet republicsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; M.Sc. King's College London; B.A. Renmin University of China -
Yifei (Zachk) Huang
Graduate StudentsResearch Interests Inequality, Public Opinions, Family, Gender, Social Demography, Quantitative Methods, Computational MethodsDegree(s) B.A. Sociology, Peking University -
Nabila Islam
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Carcerality and Abolition, Anti-Muslim Racism and Islamophobia, Racial Capitalism and Settler Colonialism, Race, Ethnicity, and Nation, Global and Transnational Sociology, Social TheoryDegree(s) M.A. Brown University, M.A. McGill University, B.A. York University -
Quentin Jenkins
Graduate StudentResearch Interests (Anti)Blackness in education, Juvenile Delinquency, Black Homeschooling, Crime and ViolenceDegree(s) B.A. Pitzer College -
Yingyue Jiang
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Gender, Family, Health and Wellness, Demography, Social PolicyDegree(s) M.S. Social Policy and Data Analytics, University of Pennsylvania -
Sagen Kidane
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Race and Ethnicity, Education, Social Inequality, Punishment, Social PolicyDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. University of Maryland, College Park -
Daniel Kitson
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Climate Change, Science, Knowledge, and Technology, Political Sociology, Environmental Sociology, OrganizationsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. University of Chicago -
Sujung Lee
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Gender, Education, Health, Family, DemographyDegree(s) M.A. in Sociology, Yonsei University: B.A. in American Culture and Sociology, Sogang University -
Ang Li
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Economic Sociology, Sociology of Development, Organizations, Occupations and Work, Quantitative MethodsDegree(s) M.A. Colorado State University; B.A. University of California, Berkeley -
Zixi (Valerie) Li
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Stratification, Labor Markets, Gender, Demography, Marriage and Family, Education, Quantitative & Computational MethodologyDegree(s) B.A. New York University -
Yitong Liu
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Transnational Sociology, Global Development and Investment, Urban Sociology, Ethnography, Computational SociologyDegree(s) B.A. Boston College -
Neha Lund
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Racial Formation, International Migration, Empire & Colonialism, TheoryDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. Wellesley College -
Jordan Mosby
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Race, Migration, Inequality, The New Great Migration, The Black Middle-ClassDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. Morehouse College -
Karla Munoz
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Immigration, Social Stratification and Inequality, Education, Critical Theory, Mixed MethodsDegree(s) B.A. Amherst College -
Salma Mutwafy
Graduate Student, Successful Defense: May 28, 2024Research Interests Sociology of Development, Demography, Critical TheoryDegree(s) M.A. Brown University -
Chinyere Odim
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Culture, Race, Class, and Gender, Sociology of Elites, Sociology of Education, DuBoisian Sociology, Qualitative MethodsDegree(s) M.A. University of California, Berkeley, M.S. University of Pennsylvania, B.A. Swarthmore College -
Carilee Osborne
Graduate StudentDegree(s) M.A. Brown University -
Aditi Priya
Graduate StudentDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; M.A. Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi; B.A. Lady Shri Ram College, University of Delhi -
Archana Ramanujam
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Environmental Sociology, Global and Transnational Sociology, DuBoisian Sociology, Political Sociology, Sociology of DevelopmentDegree(s) M.Sc. University of Amsterdam -
Clark Randall
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Fiscal sociology, Historical Sociology, Segregation, Municipal finance, Debt, Urban planning, MarxismDegree(s) M.A. Washington University in St. Louis; B.A. Washington University in St. Louis -
Billie Sams
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Cultural and historical sociology, DuBoisian theory, Critical and decolonial theory, Settler colonialism, Decolonial and Community-based methodsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.A. University of California - San Diego -
Bhumi Shah
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Health, Stratification, Inequality, Social Demography, Public Policy, Quantitative MethodsDegree(s) B.S. The College of New Jersey -
Sonakshi Sharma
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Mobilization, Governance, Democratization, Public bureaucracies, GenderDegree(s) M.S. London School of Economics and Political Science; B.A. Shiv Nadar University -
Patrick Shaw
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Demography, International Development, Education, Labor, and Social Mobility, Environmental Sociology, Quantitative MethodsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; M.S. University of Texas, San Antonio; B.S. University of Texas -
Chandni Shyam
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Political Sociology, Bureaucracy, Organizations, States, Public Health, Mixed MethodsDegree(s) M.S. Utrecht University; M.A. Pondicherry University; B.A. Bharathiar University -
Suvina Singal
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Economic Sociology, Political Sociology, Technology & Data, Data Protection & Privacy, PolicyDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; M.A. Peking University; M.A. Sciences Po, Paris; B.A. Delhi University -
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Global Urban Sociology, Political Sociology, Cultural Sociology, Race, Nation, and Ethnicity, Social Inequality, Environmental Justice, Political Economy of Development, Social Theory, Qualitative Methods, Computational MethodsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.S.S. Singapore Management University -
Jonathan Tollefson
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Environmental Sociology, Urban Sociology, Spatial Analysis, Computational Sociology, Science, Knowledge, and TechnologyDegree(s) M.S. University of Vermont, Sc.B. Brown University -
Kristen Ukeomah
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Race, Gender, Class, Law, Stratification/Inequality, Demography, Life OutcomesDegree(s) B.A. University of Pennsylvania -
Ike Uri
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Climate Change, Environmental Sociology, Risk and Vulnerability, Development, Social TheoryDegree(s) M.A. Brown University, B.A. University Of Kansas -
Luis Verdin Gomez
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Environmental Sociology, Social Inequality, Social Policy, Risk and Vulnerability, Hazards and Disasters, Quantitative MethodsDegree(s) B.A. Rice University -
Alexander Wambach
Graduate StudentResearch Interests International Migration, Families, Gerontology, Quantitative MethodsDegree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.S. Brigham Young University, B.A. Brigham Young University -
Keenan Wilder
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Political, Economic, and Historical Sociology, Social Inequality, Labor, The Middle East and North Africa, Qualitative Methods, Archival MethodsDegree(s) M.A. New York University; B.A. University of New Mexico -
Liangdi Xu
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Urban Sociology, Political Sociology, Historical Sociology, Economic SociologyDegree(s) M.A. Brown University -
Xiangning (Amy) Xu
Graduate StudentDegree(s) M.A. University of Chicago, M.S. Washington University, B.A. University of Virginia -
Yulin Yang
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Gender Inequality, Marriage and Family, Cultural Sociology, Demography, Mixed MethodsDegree(s) LL.B. in Sociology from Renmin University of China -
Yan Zhou
Graduate StudentResearch Interests Stratification and Inequalities, Work and Organizations, Demography, Social Policy, Statistical MethodsDegree(s) M.S. London School of Economics and Political Science; B.S. University College London