Archana Ramanujam is a doctoral candidate in Sociology who spent this past fall on the island of Curaçao to conduct essential archival research for her dissertation.
Congratulations to faculty members Margot Jackson, Zhenchao Qian, and Emily Rauscher (with the assistance of organizing committee members Jennifer Candipan, John Logan, Ananda Martin-Caughey and Michela Musto) on successfully organizing and hosting the Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) summer meeting at Brown University.
Congratulations to Michael Kennedy, who was interviewed by the Center for International Relations Foundation in Warsaw, Poland for their "Zoom the World" series.
Congratulations to Rachel Wetts for receiving a two-year Russell Sage Foundation grant for her proposal, "Climate Politics as Status Politics: Struggles over the Symbolic Worth of Educational Credentials in the American Climate Change Debate."
The Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) invites all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to the 2024 RC28 Summer Conference.
Congratulations to Neha Lund on being awarded the Alden Speare, Jr. Award, which recognizes superior achievement in the Master of Arts thesis within the Department of Sociology.
Congratulations to Yasemin Bavbek for successfully defending her dissertation entitled, "Layered Imperialities: Extraterritoriality, American Education and Humanitarianism in the Late Ottoman Empire."