Professor of Sociology Jose Itzigsohn and Professor Karida Brown of UCLA, Ph.D. Brown University, have published their latest book entitled The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois: Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line. This book, published by NTU Press, provides a comprehensive introduction to the founding father of American sociological thought.
Global and Transnational Sociology is one of the great strengths of Brown's sociology department. It is also a section of the American Sociological Association, and two of our faculty have been its chair -- Nitsan Chorev in 2015-16, and in this academic year Michael D. Kennedy. And this year, Ricarda Hammer, one of the department's graduate students, is the student representative on the section's council.
Professor John Logan has been awarded a new 5-year grant from NIH ($2.1 million) to support research with confidential census data on residential mobility and neighborhood change since 2000.