Department of Sociology

Rui Carvalho

Graduate Student, Successful Defense: February 20, 2025
Research Interests Community Studies, Global and Transnational Sociology, International Migration, Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Social Theory, Urban Sociology
Degree(s) M.A. Brown University; B.Sc. New University of Lisbon


Year of Entry: 2014

My ongoing doctoral dissertation project investigates how, alongside social class, race shapes international migration aspirations and capabilities. Particularly, my project examines how inequalities in the international migration aspirations and capabilities of Brazilians are shaped by (individual and structural) racism and processes of racialization. I focus mainly on the (potential) international migration of Brazilians to Boston (United States) and Lisbon (Portugal), using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods of social research. Additionally, and following the work from my Master’s thesis, I am also studying how migration-driven ethnic and racial diversity influence neighborhood social capital and community cohesion in diverse contexts. This project uses data from a survey applied to the autochthonous and immigrant residents of several neighborhoods located in six large European cities.


Selected Publications:

Dora Sampaio and Rui F. Carvalho (2022). “Transnational families, care and wellbeing: The role of legal status and sibling relationships across borders.” Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3: 100097 (1-7).

Carvalho, Rui F. (2020). “Trust thy neighbour? Interpersonal trust in twelve ethnically diverse European neighbourhoods.” In: Marta Smagacz-Poziemska, M. Victoria Gómez, Patricia Pereira, Laura Guarino, Sebastian Kurtenbach and Juan J. Villalón (eds.) Inequality and Uncertainty: Current Challenges for Cities. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 185-204.

Sampaio, Dora and Rui F. Carvalho (2017) “From the Al-Maghrib to the Al-Gharb: An anatomy of the recruitment and labour incorporation of Moroccan agricultural workers in the Algarve, Southern Portugal.” In: A. Corrado; C. de Castro and D. Perrotta (eds.) Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and Change in the Mediterranean Area. London: Routledge, pp. 231-246. 

Ferrão, João; Rui F. Carvalho; Alice Ramos; Olivia Bina and João Mourato (2014) Que Economia Queremos? Lisbon: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 122 p.

Mourato, João and Rui F. Carvalho (2014) “Mobilidade urbana e cidades.” In: L. Schmidt and A. Delicado (eds.) Ambiente, Alterações Climáticas, Alimentação e Energia: A Opinião dos Portugueses. Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp. 249-268.

Malheiros, Jorge; Rui F. Carvalho and Luis Mendes (2013) “Gentrification, residential ethnicization and the social production of fragmented space: Theory and evidence from two multi-ethnic neighbourhoods, in Lisbon and Bilbao.” Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 48 (96), pp. 109-135.

Santos, Catarina F.; Rui F. Carvalho and Francisco Andrade (2013) “Quantitative assessment of the differential vulnerability associated to oil spills.” Journal of Coastal Conservation, 17 (1), pp. 25-36.

Souto, Henrique; Nuno Gomes and Rui F. Carvalho (2012) “Development of a GIS for the ‘Celebration of Coastal Culture’.” Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16 (4), pp. 431-437.

Malheiros, Jorge; Rui F. Carvalho and Luis Mendes (2012) “Etnicização residencial e nobilitação urbana marginal: Processo de ajustamento ou prática emancipatória num bairro do centro histórico de Lisboa?” Sociologia, Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, special issue on Immigration, Diversity and Cultural Conviviality, pp. 97-128.

Fonseca, Maria L. (coord.); Jennifer McGarrigle (coord.); Alina Esteves; Dora Sampaio; Rui F. Carvalho; Jorge Malheiros and Luis Moreno (2012) Modes of Inter-Ethnic Coexistence in Three Neighbourhoods in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area: A Comparative Perspective. Lisbon: Colibri, 213 p.